понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I think I just did two-three years of backdate entries x_X From 2002-2004, and Iapos;m not even finished. Iapos;m still tryiing to connect the dots with a lot of my older journals, so Iapos;ll be glad to get this done soon.

Iapos;ve been talking with Ryan and Brittany about moving, and now only Ryan wants to move in because Britanny doesnapos;t wanna leave her cat. Which is understandable, I thought Felix was going to die when I moved. It was a devastating thing for me and it took him two weeks of misery to recover. But I couldnapos;t of brought him without him dying in the main street. So I did what was best for him...even if in the long run it made us both miserable. He loves his mommy <3 I did raise him as a tiny kit ^^

But now Iapos;m a little hestiant with this moving in thing. My lip almost wants to curl to a snarl with alarm. Because she canapos;t just be there 24/7 and NOT pay. But either way, Ryanapos;s paying for all of it; I told him the fee I gave him wouldnapos;t waiver, and Iapos;m dead serious. If it was Brian, of course it would. Iapos;d drop it maybe 50-100 down. As it stands when James gets the district job, he can afford to pay it all on one months salary and more. Iapos;m still uneasy, because even now I wonder how James will take this; another guy. That -isnapos;t- my brother-friend Brian. Brian has a great connection with us, and heapos;s always welcome. But Ryan is an unusual character...Iapos;m almost sure thinking about it he wonapos;t go through with it. Something will set him off and if it does, it wonapos;t devistate us so I could give two shits of a damn. I guess Iapos;m a little miffed at the thought of Britanny just hanging around ALL the time. If it gets to be a problem I will get mean, though. Because Iapos;ve been taken advantaged of before. Screw all if I let it happen again. Maybe I should just settle for a one room one bath in the long run with James...because he might be the only one I want to live with. I donapos;t mind Ryan going in and out but for fucks sake I can see this might get bad. Too bad I already made the appointment, but I can make him falter just as quick as the next one. Determination is key, right?

And see, looking at it I feel so stupid. Because a 1 bedfrom is 1120, but a 2 bed 1 bath is 1160 Like 40 more But the 1 bedroom has a nice walk in closet..

So Iapos;ll wait for James to get home.

Itapos;s all in patience...I just gotta be ready to defend the den <3
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I love how Sarah Palin seemed to have more screen time than Mark Wahlberg--yet Wahlberg participated in one of the funniest skits of the evening and Palin essentially stood there and said, "Iapos;m Sarah Palin. Tina Fey does an impression of me" She bobbed her head along to a great rap about her [as performed by Amy Pohler] and said two catch phrases [the opener and the ending to Weekend Update] and...that was it.

If youapos;re going on SNL maybe you could actually participate in a sketch? Or maybe you could dish some jokes out about yourself instead of your head bobbing supposed to show you have sense of humor.

I suppose I shouldnapos;t have been expecting great things...but I was expecting something.
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Huokauuuus. Meneek�h�n tuo nykyinen fandom v�h�n turhan pitk�lle...? Joskus h�vett� my�nt� pit�v�ns� yaoista, koska nyky�n kaikki olettavat heti, ett� mulle kelpaa mies miehen tai pika pojan kanssa, kuka vain, miss� vain, mit� vain. En� ei kunnioiteta omia paritusfavouriteja vaan fanitetaan sit� ettei ole v�li� mit� tapahtuu kunhan tapahtuu.

Olinpas ep�selko. No juttu on kuitenkin se, ett� en� ei olla kinnostuttu poikaapos;rakkaudestaapos; vaan l�hinn� siit� teknisest� sekstauspuolesta :/ Jotkut ihmettelv�t sit� kun m� irvist�n n�hdess�ni AkuDemy fanservice� conissa. M� sanoin, ett� "v�r� paritus". Kaveri sanoi, ett� "Ei sen v�li� kunhan tapahtuu."

Harmitti :( Kunnioittakaa hyv�t ihmiset lempihahmojanne, �lk�k� huoratko niit� jokaselle vastaantulevalle.

Rakastan coneja, mutta t�llainen huoraus pilaa v�h�n sit� nautintoa...

T�llanen pikku rantti t�ll� kertaa.

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Today we completed our journey through several Middle Eastern countries as we observed similarities and differences between their culture and ours.� The students were then assigned their postcard project.� The cultural impressions postcard will be completed Monday. Rubrics and assignment requirements were given to students, so drafts of the message they'll write on their postcards, should be finished this weekend.� Thank you Ms. Harpin for creating our postcard templates, the students are enjoying this project.


Bring postcard drafts to class Monday (messages only... We'll find pictures on the computer)

Study for Ch 16 Vocabulary Test - Monday, Oct 27th�

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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�Ich mein, wer w�nscht sich das nicht?�Etwas Besonderes zu sein. Begehrt, beneidet und bewundert zu werden? Irgendwo in einem Menschen steckt immer das Bed�rfnis, all dies zu bekommen.

Jeder ist im Grunde etwas Besonderes. Nur die Menschen denken, sie m�ssten ihren Idealen und Idolen, so genannten "Role Models" folgen.�

Auch ich tat das. Doch das soll nun ein Ende haben. Man selbst sein hei�t, zu sich �zu stehen. Und sich nicht von anderen beeindrucken zu lassen.�

F�r manche ist das regelrechter Luxus, denn sie stehen immer im Mittelpunkt aller Aufmerksamkeit und wollen dies beibehalten. Doch im Mittelpunkt zu sein bedeutet auch f�r viele, nicht sie selbst sein zu d�rfen. Immer schaut jemand, immer achtet jemand darauf, was du sagst und tust.

Das �kann deprimierend sein und irgendwann h�rt man auf zu sein. Man spielt nur noch. Man spielt den anderen und anschlie�end auch sich selbst vor, zu sein, wie man eigentlich gar nicht ist, aber wie einen die anderen sehen. Oder sehen wollen.

In der heutigen Gesellschaft gibt es feste Vorstellungen. Wer diesen nicht entspricht, k�nnte bald als Au�enseiter gelten. Aber wenn es pl�tzlich viele Au�enseiter g�be...

Dann w�rde den Menschen endlich klar werden, wer sie sind und zu was sie sich gemacht haben.

~~ besuchen Sie uns auch bald �wieder f�r weitere philosophische Ausfl�ge ins Reich des Seins und des Nichtseins. ~~

Eure Yuzuki***
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